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E-loans – scanned books


The system E-loans (E-prezenčka) contains more than 13 000 e-versions of books from MU libraries. The books are available for online reading only. Due to copyright law, it is not possible to download the files or print out from the files. For one title, it is possible to make only as many electronic loans at the same time as there are free physical copies in the MU libraries.

These e-versions are available through the library catalogue.

  • use "E-loans Filter" and then search for your book
  • open the record of the book by clicking on the title
  • scroll down to E-loans
  • log in by your university number and the secondary password

E-loans Filter in library catalogue MU E-loans instructions

Requests for scanning books into the e-loans can be made again after the holidays when the library is open. Thank you for your understanding and have a nice holiday.

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